Digestion and Absorption of Carbohydrate
The carbohydrate diet mainly consists of polysaccharides (starch and glycogen) and disaccharides (sucrose and milk lactose). It also contains indigestible cellulose, hemicelluloses and pentosans etc . Digestion of Carbohydrate : Mouth: Salivary amylase (ptyalin) starts the digestion of cooked starch in the mouth. But very little digestion takes places in the mouth since the food remains in the mouth for a very short period of time. Stomach: Since the food gets mixed with the gastric juice the action of amylase ceases due to high acidity. Some of the sucrose present in the food get hydrolysed by the action of HCl in the stomach. Small intestine: The pancreatic amylase in the small intestine converts starch and glycogen into a mixture of maltose and isomaltose: Then maltose and isomaltose along with sucrose, lactose present in the diet are digested by the different disaccharidases present in the intestinal mucosa into their corresponding monosaccharides as shown:...